kehidupan itu mmpunyai pelbagai.... walaubagaimana sekali pun perjalanannya... tp itulah kehidupan yg kita harus lalui...drama sebuah kehidupan....

...pEnGiKuT seTia Ku....LoVe u aLL...

IF I KNOW part 1

If i know it would be the last time

That i see u fall asleep

I would tuck u in more tightly

And pray to ALLAH u should to keep

If i know it would be the last time

I hear your voice lifted up in praise

I would video tape each action and word

So i could play then back day after day

If i know it would be the last time

I could spare an extra minute

To stop and say i love u

Instead of assuming u would know i do

If i know it would be the last time

I would be there to share your day

Well i sure u have so many more

So i can let just this one slip away

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